Here we have is an original empty packet of Pickled Onion flavored Tudor Crisps, featuring the Wear-Em scare-Ems promotion, in which you could collect 8 superb badge medallions by sending in 6 different empty packs. Closing date on this pack says 30th June 1974.
Medallions to collect were:
Gorgon's head
Aztec Mask
Voodoo Mask
Scare Devil
Skull and Crossbones
Shrunken Head
Excellent! As I recall, the TV ad campaign used a very "Monster Mash"-sounding song to hawk the Wear 'Em Scare 'Ems...
Marvellous blog, by the way!
Thanks for the info on the TV ad campaign, wouldn't mind seeing that.
Thank you for your kind comments.
I remember the TV advert and the song very well (1973?) for wear'em scare 'ems. Tudor
brown sauce were my favourite, they had a barbecue chicken flavour which also went down well. Do you remember Chipmunk Crisps (only 2 1/2p per bag?)
Thanks for the trip down memory lane
"Wear-Em Scare-Em swap em to, theres 8 all different and all for you..."
My failing memory suggests to me that this was Jon Pertwee voicing this part of the ad. I'm sure some Dr Who related site would mention this if this was the case...
Thanks for the words to the Tudor crisps TV ad, nice little jingle that. Also thanks for mentioning that it could of been Jon Pertwee who voiced the ads.
can't remember the voice-over, but that sounds very plausable I used to pin "Flutter-Byes" to me bedroom curtains. (You actually sent money through the post for them in those days!)
i have just found 24 of those thing that you are on about and dont know what to do with them?
I have seen adverts for the Tudor Crisps Flutter byes. Yes it was a simplar time when sending off for things like that, you certainly would'nt want to risk sending money in the post these days unless you get it insured or registered.
Do you still have all the Wear Em scare ems that you mentioned? How much would you sell some for? I am sure there are others who visit the Cobwebbed Room would also be interested in them.
Hi, I have 15 wear-em-scarem's, A full set of 8 and 7 spares. I would love to know if they are worth anything, they are hidden away and I don't want them. Please contact if you would like to put an offer in for them. Just think how many crisps I ate back in the early 70's to collect them.
I just found a set of coins / medallions, silver, bronze and plain copper colours of Captain Morgan-The Satisfaction, Christopher columbus-Santa Maria ... 8 or so others. Does anyone know what I am on about? I think these where Tudor Crisps, when I collected at age 9/10, ie. 1974/5 roughly. Mike. UK carbon4t@hotmail.com
HEY... anyone got any wear-em scare-ems for sale or swaps!!!
I'm trying to complete my collection of these. I had the voodoo mask as a kid, which ended up lost and I never got any more.
If anyone sees this and still has spares, I'd love to know.
Hi Wendy
I am not sure how much the wear-em scare-ems are really worth myself,prices do seem to vary on places like ebay. How much would you be willing to sell the spare 7 that you have?
I'd love to buy the wearem scarems off you.how many do you have
We would love your full set of 8...£1 each?
Never heard of these before. A bit before my time but I found a voodoo mask on a job I was working at. Decided to look into it. Interesting read. Great blog!
I remember the words as being....
"Wear-em-scarems, wear-em-scarems,
Wearem, scarem, swap them while you play,
Collect all 8 from Tudor,
And wear-em any way"
....but I wouldn't take that as gospel!
I have a full set of 8 with the cards..does anyone know how much they would sell for?
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