Imagine being a child and winning your weight in crisps, although you probally wouldn't weigh too much, the amount of crisps or corn snacks in your weight would come to quite amount. Imagine also that you won this competition featured in the above issue (20th July 1979) and having so many boxes of Horror bags delivered to your house, all those packs and nice cardboard boxes featuring the vampire from the range on the sides. Imagine also who ever won this competition got sick of eating crisps and ending up shoving the rest of the boxes in the attic, forgotten about...I wish I was that person and I had the great idea of keeping those boxes and all the wrappers I opened, kept them all to this day...Well its a little too late now to enter said competition, typically late as usual. Oh well.
Thanks to Peter for this cover scan.
a dream come true ;)
Can't believe they were still selling them in '79. I recall them from the early 70's and must have stopped buying them by then..kicking myself now :)
I'd have been lobbing individual crisps at other kids myself before the last box was opened - like you say the prize was overkill.
I used to get Jackpot as well but they ended up at a jumble sale and I've no recollection of that issue. Interesting to see 'Bats' on the horizon...
I can't remember there being any horror bags.. just loads of monster munch, football crazy, twists, quavers and salt 'n' shake
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