Here we have a advertisement for Crosse and Blackwell's Alphabetti Spaghetti in which you could send away for a spooky game by collecting 4 Alphabetti Spaghetti labels. Its a shame the ad doesn't show you a picture of the game. Can anyone remember this promotion that sent for the game, loved to see a picture of it.
The boy in the picture reminds me of the boy in the 'Charley Says' Public information films - 'Charley says you should never go into a haunted house without taking your Mummy or daddy'
Thanks to Rich for the scan
Love that inevitable castle and moonlight image in the distance!
I had this game and played it to bits. I'd been sure it was a freebie from some sort of spaghetti letters and your ad proves me right. I've been asking on www.doyouremember.co.uk forums, but after over 600 views of my request, no-one has yet come up with a piccy. I'd dearly love to see a scan of this game again. And yes, it was one of those games where a cvertain square near the end, sent you almost all the way back to the beginning.
Used to play this when I visited my grandparents.
Just found a photo of the board on an expired listing on ebay.
Who knows if the original post is being monitored 11 years later. I have the original game board my mum sent off for. We played it to death on holidays in the caravan. Searching for the secret key and player counters brought me here!
I have it too
I have it in my hands as I type. How do I share a picture?
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