Normally you associate Smiths Crisps with...well crisps, but here we have a couple of unusal 'Monster Munch' merchandise from smiths Crisps. First up is a Monster Munch inspired drink called 'Monster Fizz' which was Odd Orangeade flavor, can't remember if there were any other flavors or what the Odd Orangeade tasted like. Monster Fizz came out sometime during the 1980's as far as I'm aware. Anyone else remember this short lived pop drink?
The next item from Smiths Monster munch is a cassette tape called 'Monster Munch Tall Stories'. There is no date on the tape or case but I think this also will be probally from the 1980's. It does say that it was copiled by Nabisco Brands Smiths Division and was produced by the 'V' team for Vinyltone Productions Ltd. Could this tape of been a item that you sent for from packs of Monster Munch or something sold in the shops?
Here is the track listing:
Side 1
The Monster's Bounce
Saving the day
Being Purple
A Song for Space
Missing on the Moon
The TV Film
Side 2
Tall Stories [Theme]
Easier said than done
Purple Safari
La, La
TV Queen
I have this tape! Definitely early 80s, I'd say most likely from 82-85. (definitely not as late as 86 as we moved house then and I remember having it in our first house). You had to collect something from the crisps packets (barcodes?) and then send them off with a cheque and you go the tape (I don't think they offered vinyl) and a poster or something to go with it. Now that I think about it, pretty sure it was a poster with all the song lyrics. The monster's names were their colors: "Yellow" "Blue" etc. One day I'll get round to putting this up on eBay. Thanks for the memories!
Hi Alex
Thanks for the information, it would be great to see a picture of that poster or the packet of Monster Munch with this promotion on. What did you think to the songs on the tape?
I've been looking for that tape for ages. Is it still to go on ebay? Please email me if you are looking to sell
would you be interested in selling / trading / copying this tape?
I'm not sure really about selling the tape, but if I ever see another copy I'll give you first chance.
thanks for the response.
If you do have a price at which you'd be willing to part with the tape please let me know whatever it is, i'd probably go a lot higher than you'd expect!
Hi Paul,
in case you change your mind on selling the tape, I'd be willing to offer £50 for it.
My wife has been driving me crazy about this tape, i didn't believe it was real until now!
I really have to find one so if anyone could please sell me one I would be so greatful, do you know if the mp3's of these tracks are available or who I would contact to get a copy made up?
Hi Bob
Not really sure where you could download mp3's of the tracks. I am still in 2 minds wether to sell the tape at present but I did say that I would give Steve here in the comments first chance. Don't know if Alex also in the comments section is selling his copy.
I will keep a look out for other copies of this tape.
I'm still very interested in buying the tape, open to negotiation on price as well.
Please also keep me in mind if you do make some mp3s.
Hi Steven
If you could send me a email, maybe we could sort something for the tape, maybe a trade of some sort.
All the best
hi Paul,
i don't know how to find your email address. mine is
Hi Steven
I did send you a email awhile ago, did you not receive it?
My email is monsterscud@yahoo.co.uk
Look forward hearing from you
I got this one too- I've been looking for info about it online for years now!
We used to cover 'Bounce' and 'Easier Said Than Done' in an old punk/ska band i was in in the late 90's.
Fun times. Fun times
Oh my GOD! I loved this tape as a child! Me and my sister used to listen to it over and over again and on long car journeys - it was amazing! I know this was a long time ago but if any of you have managed to get a copy, let me know as I would love one! I'd even pay you to copy it for me onto a blank tape. My email is: katerudkins@yahoo.co.uk Please get in touch!
Hi Kate
Unfortunatly I sold my tape not so long ago, but if I hear of another one, I'll let you know.
All the best
I'm on a search for these songs. My copy of the tape must be long gone.
But i've been asked recently to create a cd of tracks that sum up the music I listen too whilst growing up, and if I could find these, One would HAVE to be the opening track!
Such memories!
I know this is an old blog entry, but if anyone reading that has any up to date knowledge of Mp3 versions, please reply this msg and I'll be forever in your debt!
I've just uploaded the opening track to youtube
Thanks for that, are you planning to do the rest of them? What about putting them on Rapid share, media fox or such like?
Links to mp3s below. There should be a track 2 - 6 for each side of the tape (one set stories, the other set songs). Each side of the tape started with the same intro.
Thank you so much for links, this is really appriciated especially as I ended up selling my copy. It's fantastic that this tape was so fondly remembered and loved.
Many, Many thanks for these links. I didn't expect to hear these tracks again after so many years!
Thank you so much for links
gutted! the rapidshare links appear to have been removed. :((
im not sure he this thread is still going but he anyone is interested in buying this cassette tape i have 2 that i have for sale that are yet to in on ebay. i an willing to listen to offers please email of @ trowa@sky.com
Hi, I was part of the V team that wrote and performed Tall Stories, glad to know it was liked. We'll be posting the tracks soon for download will let you know if you wish...
Hi, here's a link to the official download site for the mp3's, put up by me (one of the writers).http://www.oneplaceproject.com/monsters.html
Hi, go to oneplaceproject.com monsters
This is now available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/monster-munch-tall-stories/1082110080
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