The short lived and unusual title of 'Legend Horror Classics' (1974/75) only lasted for 13 issues was similar in format to the more well known title 'Monster Mag'. Legend Horror Classics contained a comic adaptation usually of a classic Horror story. The first issue would feature Dracula, the second issue Frankenstein...These comicstrip stories were drawn by Kevin O'Neil and were usually in 3 colours [see scan above]. The magazine of course contained a wonderful colour horror poster of a still from a British horror film. These posters were usually about 4 A4 page size. It was a little unusual to have a comic adaptation in a poster magazine format, which I suppose sets it apart from other similar formats. The Comics would be dropped from issue 11 when Legend Horror Classics format was revamped and now would contain colour features on a particular monster from films, issue 11 would concentrate on Vampires, issue 12 Werewolves, and issue 13 on Frankenstein. this change of format would now give it a closer feel to 'Monster Mag' although Legend Horror Classics's features and posters were not so gory and as big as those covered in Monster Mag. Legend would also contain a portrait of a classic film star such as Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Elsa Lanchecster, Peter Cushing etc in a famous characterisation. These wonderful peices of artwork were created using the dotting process, I forget what this process is called, but it is very effective [see scan above]. All in all Legend Horror Classics although short lived was a nice addition to British horror collectables and the posters sure would look great on the wall.