Friday, November 03, 2006

monster cover scrapbook

Above is a scrapbook that I bought from a newsagents back in the late 70's, being a keen monster fan whom liked to cut out pictures, stories etc about monster/horror films from magazines, newspapers, this was the perfect book to keep them in. Ever since that time I bought the scrapbook I have not seen another one like it, except once on e-bay. As far as I am aware I don't think there have been any others with a monster themed cover.
I still keep cuttings that I come across but not as much as I used to. Remember when The News of the World used to be like a broad sheet?, that was one paper that I got some great stories from, ones about witchcraft, ghosts and haunted houses etc. There seemed to be more stories about these subjects than there is now. I used to look in all sorts of magazines looking for interesting articles, pictures and stories, magazines such as sunday newspaper magazines, Look-in, TV guides, film magazines...a lot of these cuttings I have kept in scrapbooks, others I have just put into boxes. I shall have to try and sort through some sometime and maybe put ones that may be suitable for this blog...


CRwM said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm diggin' your blog.

I found it by following a link on "Groovy Age" and I think you're off to a great start.

I'm looking forward future posts.

Anonymous said...

Paul, I'm happy to see that the good ol' land of my ancestory has had almost as much fun with monster & horror themed advertisment premiums, send aways & such as we did/do here in The States!
By all means keep posting your thoughts, memories & images of such goodies from the UK.

Paul said...

Thank you so much for your kind words, it means alot. I hope you will continue to visit The Cobbwebbed room and I really must try and find time to put more things on. Thanks again.

Mondo said...

I had this exact scrapbook - I kept a collection punk newspaper cuttings in it.

Anonymous said...

I have a unused one