The copyright on the album is 1987, the copyright on the stickers is 1986 for the Starbears and 1985 for the Scarebears stickers, the album is in 2 sections, the first is the section on Starbears which goes from sticker 1 to 180, then you flip it over from the back and this section covers the Scarebears stickers 181 to 330. The Scarebears features are Count Ted, Quasibear, Bone Bear, Hero - Worship, What I did on my holidays count Ted in Cannes France, Frankie Bear, Were Bear, Things that go bump in the night, Boo Bear and Tuten Bear. The Star Bears section of the album has the Zodiac as it's theme.
Here are a few examples from the quite rare 'Scarebears' sticker album.
Thanks to Richard for the scans and information